
Testimonials | Audit Representation

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I was very cautious about getting help with my IRS audit. After doing extensive research, I hired Tax Litigation Associates to represent my husband and I against the IRS. The whole experience was a pleasure. Over the top white glove service and constant hand holding from our team helped to eliminate the stress from our situation. We are happy with our results and would recommend Tax Litigation Associates to anybody that needs help. Thank you sincerely for getting us our lives back.

Stephanie - Cincinnati, OH

The Tax Litigation Associates team practices what it preaches. I had a federal tax case that Tax Litigation Associates took control of and handled better than I thought possible. I had an IRS agent come to my house, talk to my neighbor and go my place of business looking for me. I panicked! I called Tax Litigation Associates and they put a stop to all visits immediately. She couldn’t call me or harass me any longer. The group squared away my case by filing returns and setting me up in an affordable payment plan. Finding Tax Litigation Associates was a blessing.

Nathan - Bloomington, MN

I hired a highly recommended and expensive CPA to represent me when the IRS audited my last three years of returns. It turned out to be a total fiasco, as this CPA didn’t accomplish a thing. I was told by the IRS that $119,000 of my deductions were going to be denied. Someone told me about Jeffrey Galante and his Tax Litigation Associates. After some extensive research, I hired him to do an audit appeal. After ten months, he had the IRS agree that I only owed them $1,500.

Armand - Brooklyn, NY

I am self-employed, and my business has been slow the last few years. I found it very difficult to pay my 940 and 941 taxes, while still maintaining other bills to keep my business afloat. After meeting an IRS officer one time, I quickly realized that they don’t care what excuse I had. I then decided it would be best if I didn’t meet the agent again until I hired professional help. Many choices are out there, most of which looked questionable. Only Tax Litigation Associates and one other actually listed some of their professionals. I called both and could easily tell Tax Litigation Associates was talking straight with me. The other company was only telling me what I wanted to hear. I am an intelligent businessman and if something sounds too good to be true, then it’s probably is. So I hired Tax Litigation Associates and they helped me each step of the way, from filing the missing returns to reaching an agreement I could manage (and that the IRS had to accept). Tax Litigation Associates told me up front what the total cost would be, and it turned out to be was less than what the other firm was asking. If you need tax help, a simple phone call to Tax Litigation Associates will be well worth your time.

Charles - Dallas, TX

If you have ever sat face to face with an IRS agent that is scrutinizing every single line item on your tax return, you may know what it feels like to be defenseless. At first, I thought I would be capable of addressing the IRS´s concerns by myself. But I quickly realized how little I knew about taxes and my rights as a taxpayer. After doing some research online, I hired Tax Litigation Associates to represent me in front of the IRS. The IRS agent was no longer able to take advantage of my ignorance towards taxes. Better yet, Tax Litigation Associates proved to the IRS that my original tax return filed was correct. Ultimately, no change was made on my tax return and the $14,000 that the IRS was attempting to increase by liability by was dropped.

Brian - Springfield, MA

Thank you Tax Litigation Associates for your help with my audit. I thought I had everything that the IRS required, but I was paralyzed with fear after I was audited. I was just unable to deal with this myself. But after Tax Litigation Associate’s review of my records, I felt a lot better. One of the best days in my life is when you called and said the audit was complete and I didn’t owe the IRS a thing. It was worth every penny I spent with Tax Litigation Associates.

Kim - Atlanta, GA

A client of ours was very, very happy with Jeff Galante and the experience he brought to the engagement. Jeff significantly exceeded his, the company’s, and their attorney’s expectations. Jeff came in and helped us during a difficult IRS audit. His efforts concluded in a successful waiving of all penalties. His writing and researching skills are excellent. Jeff was also instrumental in bringing the audit to a favorable conclusion. The client is very appreciative of Jeff’s services and happy that we recommend Tax Litigation Associates to anyone in need of top-notch services.

Carl - Pittsburgh, PA

Jeff is very credible in his knowledge of the procedures necessary during an IRS audit, but comes across as very personable with the Revenue Agent. He very quickly established a great rapport. This situation has been unique in that the client is now a shell company, and the IRS audit procedure was a bit different. Regardless, Jeff and Tax Litigation Associates have been pragmatic and did an excellent job of working with the Revenue Agent in determining the appropriate audit plan.

Denise - Baton Rouge, LA

Thank you Jeff Galante for your work on our audit. We still find it unbelievable what the first company did to us. Why would a so-called business take full payment and not even send the documents? We contacted tax lawyers and CPA firms before we talked to Tax Litigation Associates. Everyone else we brought our documents too missed the most important fact that you guys discovered right off. You asked us the simplest question that they didn’t even think of (Did you supply the supporting documents for the audit?) You saw the problem right away and knew something had to be wrong. The other guys were just blinded by the dollar signs. Now I would recommend your firm to anybody with a tax problem.

Francesca - Brooklyn, NY

Tax Litigation Associates will address the IRS tax problems for our clients by negotiating with the IRS for the best possible solution, which may be one of the following:

An Offer in Compromise, an affordable payment plan, or to have our client declared as Currently Not Collectible with the IRS. Each one of our clients have different and complex tax problems. We treat each client as an individual, so there is no one solution for every client. We will find an affordable and permanent solution to your IRS problem.

FTC Disclosure: In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please note the following:

The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for correction of grammatical or typing errors. Some have been shortened where the testimonial was lengthy or portions were repetitive. Unless we have noted otherwise, the names of the customers have been changed   or abbreviated to protect their privacy.

These testimonials and case histories are received from our actual customers. They are individual experiences by persons who have used Tax Litigation Associates’s services. The overall effectiveness of our service varies depending on each customer’s situation. Therefore, these testimonials and case histories reflect individual results and we do not claim that they are typical results that you should expect to achieve.